„…and when we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard nor welcomed but when we are silent we are still afraid. So it is better to speak remembering we were never meant to survive“—
Audre Lorde, “The Black Unicorn”
Cultural fear is a widespread manipulation tool designed to distort reality and steer people into making emotional rather than reasoned choices. Politics, religion and the elite have mastered numerous strategies in order to inject fear and dictate submission. The result is insidious and deadly. Fear and anxiety in public discourse and relationships create feelings of complete hopelessness, guilt and panic, breeds silent anger, limits visions, numbs reflexes. It affects the way people interact with one another as individuals and as democratic agents. This is an eerie environment in which we are asked to function in.
Can we?
”There´s been trouble in paradise” is a poetically orchestrated performative work of movements, words and sounds.
Concept, Direction, Choreography: Litsa Kiousi
Performance: Achilleas Chariskos, Litsa Kiousi
Sound: Alexandros Drymonitis
Costumes: LeLektra
Lights: Alex B, Litsa Kiousi
The project is produced by Litsa Kiousi and Marco Wittorf with the kind support of Panke and Mixing Roots Productions.